About Us

About Us

Get to know our story and our team

Condor Verde is an incoming operator and meetings & incentives organizer, offering solutions for incoming travel needs to Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Venezuela. We are members of IATA, SITE, and 1DMC World.

We have come a long way from our humble beginnings in our Caracas office, offering adventurous trips to Angel Falls, the Orinoco Delta, and the Venezuelan Andes. This is where our name comes from: Condor - the majestic bird of the Venezuelan Andes, and Verde ('green' in Spanish) - for our commitment to protect the planet.

For over two decades we have provided our clients with the most original and exciting ideas, and unsurpassed flexibility in personalizing travel experiences. We are renowned for our professionalism and high standards of service, and we are proud to say that our business partners around the world have become our close friends over the years.

The value of human resources in Condor Verde is enormous. Our multilingual and multi-cultural teams consist of professionals from a variety of countries, with international expertise and deep local knowledge.

Condor Verde is committed to our business partners, our passengers, to having fun, and to the planet.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
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